Saturday 9 April 2011

Time to start!?!

Hi everyone, I'm Andrew 4th member of our GREAT knitting group. I've never knitted before but can't wait till give it a go, knitting with friends, I'm sure it'll be fun!

So, because I don't want to embarrass myself I've been reading some guides on how to get started knitting and how to knit - Google is such a smart friend <3. There's lots of tutorials on youtube as well, so if you don't already know how to knit, you have no excuse not to give it a go, even if you don't have a group of smart uni students ready to help you when you need it :P

I have this idea that group knitting sessions where we knit together sounds fun, we can help each other and give advice, perhaps show some new techniques we learned that others don't know about. It just seems that if knitting becomes second nature then we can multitask.

Spread the word ~ make your own knitting groups, but we are the original!


1 comment:

  1. if you start a knitting group you can meet up at a cafe. "knit and coffee" dates.. hehe I wouldn't mind joining in..
