Saturday 30 April 2011

Done! Yay!

Hey guys, after much practice, effort and positive progress I am happy to announce that I have successfully knitted my scarf. Finally after weeks, days and hours of work on it,  I have finally learned the techniques of knitting and created a beautiful scarf that I must say I am definitely very proud off ! I'ts my first ever self-knitted scarf ! yay! :)

Here is my scarf :] Oh yeah, as you can see the color of my scarf is black which is different from my original plan of a mix of brown, black and grey scarf that I first intended to knit. I ended up getting black supplies instead because the colour black matches all clothing colours. So, now  I can wear my scarf all the time without worrying about not matching all throughout winter! (hehehe, yea I'm such a girl :D)

So, for all you skeptics out there who thought that knitting was close to impossible (Like me before!) well be prepared to be surprised! It's not as hard as it looks. Trust me, If I can do it then all of you can too. 

I wish you guys all the best with your knitting and keep up the effort. I enjoyed learning how to knit and I hope you guys have enjoyed it too. 

Have a good one guys!


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