Wednesday 20 April 2011

SUCCESS!!............ sortof

hello to all...

Remember how I was ranting on about how much I failed at knitting? Well, here is the physical evidence that I did. (its quite embarrassing)

 hehehe... It was so bad it managed to turn into a donut.

So then, I did analyse carefully read the instructions, watched Andrew's video MANY MANY MANY MANY times, AND also got the help from my mum and cousin. It took a lot of time but it has paid off.

... And as you can see, PRACTICE PAYS OFF!!!! I finally get the HANG of it. You know how there are those grandmas old timers who are super fast at knitting. Imagine that but 500% slower. Haha. Just because I've got the hang of it, doesn't mean that I am fast. BUT hopefully, I'll get there... :D

Okay... Now you ask why does that last picture look like a beanie!?!? Thats because I made the top half, while my "expert" little baby cousin made the bottom half. The reason why it looks like a beanie? Because I pulled my yarn very tightly onto my knitting needle which meant it made a closer stitch. Personally I find my cousin's looser stitch MUCH MUCH more attractive. Also she could actually keep the size of the holes even, producing a well-made pattern, unlike my very-tight-stitch-that-expands-to-a-looser-stitch.

I have started my scarf. Pictures will be up next time I post. KNITTING IS FUN (I'm not joking). I found myself constantly trying to get better, which is why I have that many samples... so you should try tooooooooooooooooooo!!!

*on another note, my little-baby-cousin took her 6 months to make her scarf >< Looks like its going to take me 2 years !!

Peace out yo!


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