Monday 4 April 2011

Our first post! Finally!

Yay! We've finally kicked off our ISYS100 Assignment 2 blog (this one) after a lot of discussion. Since this is the first post, I'll be talking about what we plan to do with this blog.

Basically, we will bee researching a hobby (just one!) - knitting!! Sounds boring, right? But it's really quite difficult to do. The four of us, Andrew, David, Diane and I (Rina), have decided to try out knitting and will be posting/blogging about our experience and opinions as we progress along.
So, in every post, we'll show you what we did and what we think about knitting. Sounds simple, right? Or not. So, keep checking our blog or add us on our twitter account (awesumfoursum) to get tweets on our blog updates!

Each post will be accompanied by a picture of our progress in knitting, or what we did. Overall, we want to use this blog to look something like a research journal (if you know what I mean), where we take up a project (knitting), and then write our opinions on it.

If you need some kind of visual aid of our storyboard, and what we plan to do with it in the future, here's a picture for you:

And that's basically it! If you didn't understand what I just explained, please pardon me, since I'm still a beginner at blogging (Yes. Can you tell I'm not tech-savvy and have limited vocabulary?). But don't give up on this blog just yet. I can almost guarantee that it'll be absolutely interesting - only one way to find out. That's if, you keep checking this blog! =)

-Rina Chiew-


  1. I'm totally your first follower! :D
    Thank David.

  2. :D no worries Julie.. You don't have to thank me :D
