Saturday 16 April 2011

Practice ! Practice ! Practice !

Hey guys, so to keep you to date with things, I have bought my knitting supplies. (I will have pictures of it up in my next post as I can't find my camera atm )

So after I reading one much internet knitting guidelines..and watching a couple lots of internet knitting videos... and then applying what I've learnt so far.. I have come to one conclusion.

                                                                                              Disaster !

Why didn't anyone tell me knitting was so hard? lol. Or it could be just me, I might just be really bad at it. Yeah, I think it's the latter, haha. BUT! Yes there's a but! I'm not giving up ! Where there's a will, there's a way!

Currently, I'm just practicing looping the threads with my needles and getting used to it. I read that knitting is practically like a routine. I'ts basically just one sequence after another. I think once, you get the hang of it, It'll be a breeze after. So I hope. :]

So guys, the keywords of the day is "Practice, practice, practice". Remember practice makes perfect ! 

I'll see you guys soon, hopefully I'll have made some positive progress by then. :)



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