Thursday 7 April 2011

Our Second Post! Finally!

This is officially my first blog post in my life! haha I'd thought it'd be more exciting, but fair enough. I can MAKE it exciting. 

Well, my name's David, and knitting isn't my thing. So we (as a group) decided to try it anyway...
Today I went shopping. Yes. Shopping. Shopping at spotlight for all my knitting goodies. Like the NEEDLES and YARN. and I'm fairly excited about doing something NEW. ..(oh and on a side note, I just realised I write words in CAPITALS when i try to emphasise something.. lol thats random).. but anyway.

The colours I chose were RED and a Yarn with WHITE, BLACK and GREY, all mixed together. The reasons I chose these colours was.... NOTHING. It was random. i went into the store and these were the first two i picked up... Hopefully they look like awesome scarves, after I'm done making them. 

That's all from me tonight. Hopefully I will have started this daunting task by next week. 

-David Han-

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