Monday 25 April 2011


Yes! As the title says, I have successfully finished my scarf!!! The picture of it is as seen below:
It's about 200cm long. I didn't put any pattern on the scarf (it's just the basic knitting), since I'm just a beginner, but after doing this, I can proudly say that I've definitely mastered the basics. Maybe now, I can move on to knitting more complex and difficult things - or not.
Truthfully, I find knitting quite repetitive, but it's fun if you're doing it with others. It's a chance to bond and get to know people, and create something according your own tastes and preference - that is, you can choose the pattern and the colour of your choice. However, these days, I think, knitting has become a somewhat expensive hobby. Frankly, it is much cheaper to buy a cardigan than to knit one. A thin cardigan can cost about $10 to $30, but if you knit one, it'll cost you more than $50, and the price ranges depending on the type of yarn used.

(I highlighted the advantages in green and the disadvantages in red.)

So, in my opinion, knitting is a good skill to acquire, but in my opinion, not a very feasible hobby. Perhaps this is because I don't particularly enjoy knitting (>.<). But as the saying goes, "to each his own".

-Rina Chiew-

1 comment:

  1. Well done, Rina! Not bad at all for a beginner :) ~Frances~
