Wednesday 27 April 2011

Also finished.....with trying

Well, all i can say is at least i gave it go, I guess knitting just isn't for me.

Like Rina i find it repetitive...but more then that i find it hard, i have enough new things to try learning at uni already ;).
It is time consuming and not exactly interesting for me, friends make it fun but....that's just what friends do, they make things fun.
At the end of the day i don't even wear knitted things and Rina tells me they are cheaper to buy then to make anyway.
I find myself rather spending my time knitting elsewhere, to achieve something more useful and/or more fun.... so that's what I plan on doing :).

I still do encourage everyone to give knitting a go. You never know if you never try, so you just MIGHT like it.


- Andrew

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