Thursday 14 April 2011

Oh No!

Hey guys,

I'M STUCK!! Being the usual over-excited and proud uni student (who think we know anything and everything), I rushed off bravely with my needles and yarn, carefully reading and analysing skimming over the "how to knit" guides. The result? DISASTER :(

The slipknot is step 1 in the basic knitting guide. Here's my Knitting Guide. Why did I choose this guide? Because it had PICTURES! So there I was, confidently making the slipknot. It was easy peasy, even for a beginner like me. So now I was pumped, I had officially started my first knitting project. Step 2....oh how it went wrong from here...

As I said before, after skimming the images (yeah, I didn't read the instructions), I pulled the yarn over my needle, grabbed the other end and pulled it under and ...I did that a couple of times. I compared my "scarf" to the pictures... and WOW did it look different.

SO I undid the rubbish I made, and am now currently actually READING through the guide properly. Actually I may infact read through many guides, and be 100% sure I won't stuff up next time.

The moral of my story?! READ THE INSTRUCTIONS!!! So you don't have to do what I did ><
Maybe I should have watched Andrews Video.

Hopefully I would have finished started my scarf by the time you read my next post.
Have a good one! I'm sure I will :D


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